Key West to Dry Tortugas National Park

Genomsnittlig hastighet
5 kts
10 km/tim
20 km/tim
30 km/tim
12 hr 36 min
6 hr 18 min
3 hr 9 min
2 timmar 6 minuter

Key West to Dry Tortugas National Park by boat

Traveling from Key West to Dry Tortugas National Park requires crossing open waters and can be a longer journey. Here's a route description by boat from Key West to Dry Tortugas National Park:

Depart from Key West: Start your journey from Key West, situated at the southernmost tip of the Florida Keys. Key West offers multiple marinas and boat ramps for launching your boat.

Head west into the Gulf of Mexico: Leave Key West and head westward into the Gulf of Mexico. This leg of the journey will involve crossing open waters, so it's crucial to check weather conditions and ensure your boat is properly equipped for offshore travel.

Navigera med hjälp av sjökort och GPS: Använd sjökort, GPS-navigering och andra navigationshjälpmedel för att ta dig till Dry Tortugas National Park. Det här avlägsna området har begränsade navigationshjälpmedel, så det är viktigt att du förlitar dig på exakta navigationsverktyg.

Håll utkik efter faror och förändrade förhållanden: Var uppmärksam på potentiella faror, till exempel grunda områden, korallrev eller hinder, när du närmar dig Dry Tortugas National Park. Området är känt för sina korallrev och sitt rika marina liv, så var försiktig när du navigerar genom dessa vatten.

Ankomst till Dry Tortugas National Park: När du kommer fram till Dry Tortugas National Park möts du av en fantastisk samling öar och orörda vatten. I parken finns Fort Jefferson, ett historiskt fort från 1800-talet, samt utmärkta snorklings- och dykplatser. Ankra eller förtöj din båt på anvisade platser och följ alla regler och restriktioner i parken.

Observera att Dry Tortugas National Park är ett skyddat område och att det kan finnas särskilda regler för att bevara ekosystemet. Se till att respektera alla riktlinjer, skaffa nödvändiga tillstånd och ta ansvar för båtliv och miljö.

When returning from Dry Tortugas National Park to Key West, follow the reverse route, being mindful of changing conditions and navigational hazards.

Väderinformation för Dry Tortugas National Park

Key West to Dry Tortugas National Park route information

Key West Harbor: Departing from Key West, take a moment to enjoy the sights of Key West Harbor. The harbor is bustling with boats, yachts, and charming waterfront establishments. Take in the vibrant atmosphere before setting sail.

Boca Chica Channel: As you sail westward, you'll pass through the Boca Chica Channel, which separates Key West from the mainland. Enjoy the scenic views and the calm waters of the channel.

Marquesas Keys: The Marquesas Keys are a group of uninhabited islands located about 20 miles west of Key West. These remote and protected islands offer pristine sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs. Consider anchoring near the Marquesas Keys and exploring the underwater world through snorkeling or diving.

Loggerhead Key: Loggerhead Key is the largest island in Dry Tortugas National Park. It is home to the historic Loggerhead Key Lighthouse, which dates back to the 1800s. Although the lighthouse itself is not open to the public, you can admire it from the water as you approach the island.

Fort Jefferson: The main attraction of Dry Tortugas National Park is Fort Jefferson, a massive coastal fortress located on Garden Key. The fort is a historic landmark and offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. You can anchor near Garden Key and take a guided tour of the fort, explore the snorkeling opportunities around the island, or simply relax on the pristine beaches.

Snorkeling and Diving: Dry Tortugas National Park is renowned for its exceptional snorkeling and diving opportunities. The clear waters surrounding the islands are home to vibrant coral reefs, diverse marine life, and even shipwrecks. Take the time to explore the underwater world and witness the beauty of this protected marine ecosystem.

Birdwatching: Dry Tortugas National Park is a haven for birdwatching enthusiasts. The park serves as a crucial stopover point for migratory birds and is home to various seabirds, including sooty terns, brown noddies, and frigatebirds. Keep your binoculars handy to spot these feathered inhabitants during your visit.

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