Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Distance - 58.6 Nm

Genomsnittlig hastighet
5 kts
10 km/tim
20 km/tim
30 km/tim
11 hours, 43 minutes
5 hours, 52 minutes
2 hours, 56 minutes
1 hour, 57 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina with savvy navvy

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens

Kontaktinformation för Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

+1 (561) 627-6358, kontorsnummer, bevakat kl. 08.00-17.00
+1 (561) 646-0861, nödkontakt
MacKenzie McGuckin, General Manager

Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina


Kontaktinformation för Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina

+1 (305) 931-2550
Gary Jeffries, General Manager/Marina Manager

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina

Setting sail from Loggerhead Marina in Palm Beach Gardens, your journey towards Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina is not just a boating trip but an adventure that offers a blend of safety, scenic beauty, and the thrill of exploration. This pilotage plan will ensure a safe, enjoyable passage, highlighting points of interest, safety considerations, and navigational aids.

Avgång från: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Begin your journey with a thorough check of your vessel, ensuring all safety gear is on board and in working condition, and check the weather forecast. Plan to cruise along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), taking advantage of the protected waters that offer smoother sailing conditions.

Hänsyn till navigering

  • Intracoastal Waterway (ICW): You'll primarily navigate the ICW, a sheltered route that provides safe passage without the need for open sea navigation. Pay close attention to the markers: red nuns and green cans guide the way, remembering the phrase "red, right, returning" to keep the red markers on your starboard side when heading south.
  • Speed Restrictions: Be mindful of speed restrictions throughout the ICW. Areas are often populated with marinas, and waterfront communities speed limits vary, typically between 25-30 mph, but can be as low as idle speed/no wake in certain zones.
  • Bridges: Plan for bridge heights and opening schedules. Most bridges in the area are drawbridges with operators. Listen to VHF Channel 9 for bridge communications, and be sure to request openings with proper etiquette and timing.

Safety Havens and Points of Interest

  • Peanut Island: Not too far from your starting point, Peanut Island, is a fantastic place to anchor for a short break or an emergency haven if the weather turns quickly. It's a popular spot with a protected lagoon, snorkeling, and a historical park.
  • Lake Worth Lagoon: As you navigate through, the Lake Worth Lagoon offers several marinas and anchorages if you need to stop, refuel, or wait out unfavorable weather. The lagoon itself is surrounded by natural beauty, making it a pleasant place to take a leisurely cruise.
  • Port of Palm Beach: While not a stopping point for leisure craft on this journey, the Port of Palm Beach presents a good landmark. It's also crucial to be aware of commercial traffic entering and exiting the port; give them plenty of room and follow any directions from port authorities.

Destination: Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina

As you approach your destination, Hi-Lift Marina is well-equipped to welcome you with excellent facilities. Ensure you have made arrangements for mooring or docking in advance, especially during peak season.

For Whom is This Route Perfect?

This beautifully curated trip from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina is perfect for the boater who loves to blend the joy of cruising with exploration and relaxation. The route's safety features, scenic beauty, and smooth sailing make it ideal for families, beginner sailors looking to gain experience in short passages, and veterans who appreciate the tranquil waters of the ICW.

In preparation and execution, this voyage underscores the importance of safety while ensuring that every moment on the water is an opportunity for making lasting memories. Whether it's the thrill of navigating under bridges, the calm of cruising through protected waters, or the joy of discovering hidden gems along the way, this journey promises an unforgettable boating adventure.

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