Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens till överste Michael J. Horan Park

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Distance - 250.1 Nm

Genomsnittlig hastighet
5 kts
10 km/tim
20 km/tim
30 km/tim
2 days, 2 hours, 1 minute
1 day, 1 hour, 1 minute
12 hours, 30 minutes
8 hours, 20 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Colonel Michael J. Horan Park with savvy navvy

Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens

Kontaktinformation för Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

+1 (561) 627-6358, kontorsnummer, bevakat kl. 08.00-17.00
+1 (561) 646-0861, nödkontakt
MacKenzie McGuckin, General Manager

End Location
Colonel Michael J. Horan Park

Boca Ciega Bay

Contact details for Colonel Michael J. Horan Park

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Colonel Michael J. Horan Park

Embarking on a boat trip from Loggerhead Marina in Palm Beach Gardens to Colonel Michael J. Horan Park is an exhilarating journey that combines scenic beauty, safety considerations, and intriguing stops. This route offers a delightful blend of coastal charm and navigational intrigue, making it an excellent choice for boaters who enjoy leisurely cruising with an eye for safety and curiosity for local culture and natural beauty.

Avgång från: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Starting Point: Your journey begins at Loggerhead Marina in Palm Beach Gardens, a well-equipped facility offering a safe and accessible starting point for your voyage. Before departure, ensure your vessel is in good condition, check the weather forecast, and familiarize yourself with local regulations and maritime signals.


After setting sail, head east toward the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). The ICW is a well-marked channel, but it's essential to stay alert for other vessels, including leisure boats and commercial traffic. Keep your charts updated, and your navigation aids, like GPS and depth finders, in good working order.

Intressanta platser:

  1. John D. MacArthur Beach State Park: Not long after departure, you'll pass by this natural treasure. It's a great spot for an early stop if you're interested in exploring native Florida landscapes or enjoying a tranquil beach break. The park is known for its pristine environment, suitable for kayaking and bird-watching.
  2. Peanut Island: This man-made island offers a fantastic stopover for those interested in snorkeling and exploring historical sites, including the Kennedy Bunker. Peanut Island provides a scenic and leisurely stop with picnic areas and an artificial reef for snorkeling enthusiasts.

Navigational Aids and Considerations:

  • Lake Worth Lagoon: Cruising through this estuary involves navigating a changing landscape of sandbars and shallow waters. Pay close attention to buoy markers and stay within the designated channels to avoid running aground.
  • Riviera Beach: As you progress, Riviera Beach is a bustling area where you'll need to be mindful of increased boat traffic and potential wake zones. It's also a good point to check your fuel and provisions as there are several marinas where you can resupply.
  • Blue Heron Bridge: This area requires careful navigation due to its popularity among divers and the occasional presence of dive flags. Slow down and maintain a vigilant lookout as you pass underneath the bridge.

Shelter Bay:

  • Munyon Island: In case of inclement weather, Munyon Island in the Lake Worth Lagoon offers a serene bay to take shelter. The island is also a point of interest for its beautiful trails and picnic spots, turning a safety stop into a delightful detour.

Arrival: Colonel Michael J. Horan Park

Final Destination: Your journey concludes at the tranquil Colonel Michael J. Horan Park, a serene location ideal for picnics, fishing, and enjoying the waterfront views. The park's amenities and calm atmosphere provide a perfect end to your journey, offering a peaceful setting to relax and reflect on your cruise.

Suitable Boater:

This route is particularly suited for recreational boaters who value a blend of safety and exploration. With numerous scenic stops and navigational aids along the way, it offers a fulfilling experience for boaters who appreciate both the journey and the destination.


Navigating from Loggerhead Marina in Palm Beach Gardens to Colonel Michael J. Horan Park is a voyage that marries the thrill of coastal cruising with the serenity of Florida's natural beauty. Along this route, boaters enjoy a well-balanced adventure, marked by picturesque stopovers, navigational diligence, and the ultimate reward of peaceful leisure at the journey's end. Whether seeking shelter from a storm in a nearby bay or exploring local attractions, this trip embodies a perfect blend of safety, exploration, and fun, appealing to boaters who cherish detailed planning and the freedom of the open water.

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