Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina till Boynton Harbor Marina

Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina

Distance - 36.8 Nm

Genomsnittlig hastighet
5 kts
10 km/tim
20 km/tim
30 km/tim
7 hours, 22 minutes
3 hours, 41 minutes
1 hour, 50 minutes
1 hour, 14 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina to Boynton Harbor Marina with savvy navvy

Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina


Kontaktinformation för Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina

+1 (305) 931-2550
Gary Jeffries, General Manager/Marina Manager

End Location
Boynton Harbor Marina

Boynton Beach

Kontaktuppgifter för Boynton Harbor Marina

+1 (561) 735-7955, Marina Office
+1 (561) 735-7955, Marina Office

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina to Boynton Harbor Marina

Pilotage Plan: From Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina to Boynton Harbor Marina

Pre-Departure Considerations

  • Weather Forecast: Always check local weather conditions before setting sail. The Florida coast can experience sudden changes, especially during hurricane season (June - November).
  • Boat Preparation: Ensure that your vessel is in good condition, with all necessary safety equipment on board, including life jackets, flares, and a working VHF radio.
  • Maritime Charts and GPS Update: Acquire the latest maritime charts covering the Eastern Florida coastline and update your GPS maps to include local hazards and navigational aids.

Departure: Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina

Inledande kursinställning

  • Depart from Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina, heading southeast towards Biscayne Bay. This bay is known for its calm waters and serves as a gentle introduction to your voyage.

Notable Points and Landmarks

  1. Haulover Inlet: As you depart, you will pass the Haulover Inlet, a well-known local spot for fishing and boating. Pay attention to the currents here and keep a safe distance from other vessels and fishermen.
  2. Hollywood Beach: Cruising past Hollywood Beach offers a stunning view of one of Florida’s famous sandy beaches. It’s a perfect backdrop for an early voyage photo.

Navigation Aids & Hazards

  • Sandbar near Haulover Park: Be mindful of the sandy shallows near Haulover Park. Stick to the marked channels to avoid getting grounded.

Mid-Journey Considerations

Bays and Shelter Points

  • Fort Lauderdale Anchorage: Should the weather turn unfavorable, Fort Lauderdale offers a large and well-protected anchorage. It’s also a great point to stop for supplies or enjoy some local seafood.

Attractions & Landmarks

  • Port Everglades: Witnessing the cruise ships and naval vessels at Port Everglades can be a highlight. Maintain a safe distance and monitor VHF for any commercial traffic advisories.
  • Pompano Beach: Pompano Beach is known for excellent snorkeling and diving spots. If time and weather permit, it’s worth anchoring off and enjoying the underwater sights.

Final Leg to Boynton Harbor Marina

Navigational Aids to Watch

  • Hillsboro Inlet Light: The lighthouse at Hillsboro Inlet serves as a key navigation aid. From here, set a course directly north towards Boynton Beach, staying vigilant for small craft and fishing buoys.

Local Restrictions and Regulations

  • Boynton Beach Inlet: This inlet can be challenging due to its narrow width and strong currents. It’s advisable to tackle this passage during slack tide and in daylight hours for optimal safety. Monitor local tide charts and VHF announcements for any navigation warnings.

Arrival: Boynton Harbor Marina

Upon reaching Boynton Harbor Marina, follow local marina protocols for docking and securing your vessel. The marina staff are friendly and knowledgeable, offering assistance and local tips for visitors.


This route from Loggerhead Marina - Hi-Lift Marina to Boynton Harbor Marina is perfectly suited for boaters who appreciate a mix of serene cruising, sightseeing, and the occasional thrill of navigating more challenging spots like the Boynton Beach Inlet. Safety is prioritized by recommending shelter points and cautioning against local hazards, making it a reliable choice for families and seasoned sailors alike. The journey not only offers a variety of scenic landscapes but also presents ample opportunities for aquatic activities and exploring local Floridian culture.

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