Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina till Hickey Creek

Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina

Distance - 103.6 Nm

Genomsnittlig hastighet
5 kts
10 km/tim
20 km/tim
30 km/tim
20 hours, 43 minutes
10 hours, 22 minutes
5 timmar, 11 minuter
3 hours, 27 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina to Hickey Creek with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina


Kontaktinformation för Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina

+1 (941) 795-3625
Skip McPadden, General Manager

End Location
Hickey Creek

Okeechobee vattenväg

Contact details for Hickey Creek

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina to Hickey Creek

Pilotage Plan: Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina to Hickey Creek

Embark on an unforgettable voyage from the charming Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina up to the serene Hickey Creek, navigating through some of Florida's most beautiful waterways. This journey is perfect for boaters who seek the beauty of nature, the thrill of exploration, and the calm of secluded waters, all while prioritizing safety and navigational prudence.

Departure: Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina

Set sail from Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina, a well-equipped starting point offering full marina services. As you embark, ensure your vessel is fully stocked with safety gear, including life jackets, communication devices, and navigation tools. The marina is located in a prime spot that gives you immediate access to the picturesque Intracoastal Waterway (ICW).

Navigational Route and Considerations

  1. Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) Passage: Initially, you'll navigate the peaceful waters of the ICW. It's essential to keep a vigilant watch for other boaters, especially during busy seasons. The ICW is marked by a system of buoys and markers adhering to the "red-right-returning" rule, meaning keep the red navigational aids on your right when returning from sea. This stretch offers a relatively straightforward voyage with the comfort of being close to land and several amenities.
  2. Transition through Tampa Bay: As you progress, Tampa Bay emerges as a critical point of passage. It's sizable and can be subject to shifting weather conditions. Pay special attention to weather forecasts and be ready to adjust your plans. The bay is dotted with navigational aids, and maritime traffic can be heavy, including commercial vessels. Always adhere to maritime right-of-way rules and be prepared to communicate your intentions.
  3. Points of Interest: Once past Tampa Bay, consider a detour to Egmont Key for a mix of history and natural beauty - it's an excellent spot for a leisurely stretch on your journey. However, remain alert for protected areas where anchoring may be restricted.
  4. Shelter Bays: As you navigate northward, Pine Island Sound offers a protective embrace for boaters seeking refuge from unexpected weather. Use local charts and keep updated on weather conditions, as squalls can develop rapidly, especially in the warmer months. Pine Island itself, along with nearby Sanibel and Captiva, are worth exploration if time and conditions permit.
  5. Final Stretch to Hickey Creek: The approach to Hickey Creek is the most tranquil part of your journey. Transitioning from saltwater to the calmer brackish and freshwater environments, be mindful of the changing underwater landscape and potential for shallower waters. Local charts and a keen eye on the depth finder are essential.

End Point: Hickey Creek

Arriving at Hickey Creek, you'll find yourself surrounded by an oasis of tranquility. It's a haven for paddlers and nature lovers, with lush surroundings and abundant wildlife. Moor your vessel responsibly, always mindful of protecting the natural habitat.

Safety Over Fun, But Why Not Both?

This journey from Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina to Hickey Creek is an exceptional route that combines the thrill of sea navigation with the serene beauty of Florida's inland waters. It's particularly suited for boaters who value the journey as much as the destination, with ample opportunities for safe anchorages, exploration of local culture, and natural beauty. The beauty of this route lies not just in the destination but in the variety of experiences along the way. From bustling marinas to quiet coves, it offers a blend of environments that can cater to many interests while prioritizing safety and navigational awareness.

Whether you're a seasoned sailor or cruising for leisure, this pilotage plan ensures a memorable voyage filled with scenic beauty, navigational challenges, and the peaceful calm of Florida's waterways, making every moment on the water worthwhile.

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